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If You Have Back Pain You May Need to Check if You are Flat-Footed

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10:44 AM

Back pain is one of the most commonly reported problems today. Most people assume that their back pain is because of sitting in an incorrect posture for too long or lifting heavy weights, or sleeping on a bad mattress. While all of these do cause back pain, there are other less common causes for back pain, too, like flat foo.


Back pain is a common, prevalent symptom in individuals who are flat-footed. If your back pain doesn�t seem to go away, it�s best to have yourself checked for flat foot. Fortunately, flat foot-associated back pain can be treated. The sooner you get yourself checked, the sooner you�ll get relief from the annoying and frustrating back pain.


Understanding Flat Foot Condition

As you can tell by the name, it�s a condition where the sole of your feet is flat. The sole of your foot is naturally arched. In case it�s not, the entire sole would touch the floor when you�re standing or walking.

This condition is common in children, and usually gets remedied when the child turns 2 or 3 years old. However, sometimes, it doesn�t get better and flat foot persists even after an individual becomes an adult. This is when this condition is diagnosed as flat feet.


Most of the time, flat foot is a genetic condition. You�re more likely to have it if any of your parents or someone in your family line had it. Other causes of flat foot include:

  • Damage or inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon
  • Torn tends of the leg and calf
  • Broken bones
  • Nerve damage
  • Rheumatoid arthritis


Can Flat Feet Cause Back Pain?

Yes. Flat feet can cause back pain, which is why we suggest you get yourself checked for this condition if the back pain persists. Let�s understand how.


There are plenty of tendons, muscles, and tissues in our body that all work together to maintain balance and aid mobility. Several muscles and tendons are involved in the simplest movement. For example, when you walk, several groups of muscles contract and relax to enable this movement. When you�re walking, all of your body�s weight is on your feet. The feet are arched. Your sole doesn�t meet the ground entirely when you�re standing, but if that�s not the case, it means your ankles are misaligned. The hip and knee joints are affected as a result of this misalignment. Eventually, your posture changes without you knowing. The result is excessive weight and stress on your lower back. Since the spine is the primary support of our body that keeps us upright, excessive weight on the back results in back pain.


Not only this, but incorrect posture also puts strain on the knee joints, and the chances of you developing conditions like arthritis are also increased. Furthermore, misalignment results in uneven weight distribution, which compresses the spinal nerves and can worsen the back pain and lead to other complications if you don�t do something about it.


To prevent any sort of complications down the road, it�s best to see a physician to rule out the possibility of a flat foot. Once you�re  diagnosed with this condition, your physician will start the treatment and help you at the right time.