You may not consider this, but no part of your body takes more of the beating on a regular basis than your back, your knees, and your feet. There is a tremendous amount of force that are put on your...
Can’t Figure Out the Cause of Your Back Pain? Get Your Feet Checked!
Posted By ,
11/10/2022 12:00 PM
Back pain is a prevalent medical condition. According to statistics, every 1 in 6 Australians experiences back pain, which is the second leading cause of disease burden. Not only that, but back pain...
Worn-out shoes may cause issues with your feet
Posted By ,
11/08/2022 09:38 AM
We usually take our feet for granted and do not really pay much attention to them until something goes wrong. Some of these problems stem from wearing old and worn-out shoes. But the discomfort,...
Treatments Most Podiatrists Are Trained In To Help Your Feet
Posted By ,
15/06/2022 11:27 AM
Podiatrists are health care doctors that specialise in problems involving the lower legs and feet. They can help manage the symptoms of chronic illnesses as well as injuries, such as diabetes. They ar...
If You Have Back Pain You May Need to Check if You are Flat-Footed
Posted By ,
11/03/2022 10:44 AM
Back pain is one of the most commonly reported problems today. Most people assume that their back pain is because of sitting in an incorrect posture for too long or lifting heavy weights, or sleeping...
Foot Massages are More Important and Common Than You Think
Posted By ,
11/01/2022 15:00 PM
Nothing beats the level of relaxation you feel when you get a foot massage at the end of a long tiring day. If you've been standing all day long or walked long distances by foot to run errands, a...